XLR8 Industrial Recruiting
Industrial Manufacturing - O&G - Oilfield Services
Mid-to-Executive-Level Sales, Account Management & Operations Professionals
Recruiting Exclusively
Mid-to-Executive-Level Oil & Gas (O&G) and Industrial
Operations, Sales, and Account Management Professionals

From executive leadership to front-line production,
XLR8 Industrial delivers high-quality candidates screened for your specific needs ...
Saving you time - Saving you money
Manufacturing Strengthens in 2022
in Spite of Labor Shortages
According to Deloitte’s article, “2022 manufacturing industry outlook,” manufacturing is poised for growth, though ongoing talent shortages will continue to bring challenges to operations, revenue growth, and production.

The National Law Review reports that the rates of resignations since COVID have created a trend now known as the “Great Resignation” as employees battle stress, burn-out, and exhaustion.
With ongoing uncertainties in supply chain, COVID variants, and global instabilities, finding quality candidates is harder than ever.
Many candidates are reluctant to leave the security of their current position to be the "last in" at a new post. Furthermore, companies are offering incredible incentives to prevent the loss of their skilled staff, while presenting irresistible counter-offers when a key employee gives notice.
This leaves companies desperate to fill critical positions—and facing major challenges to find and recruit qualified candidates.

Even before COVID and
global supply chain issues ...
According to a report by The Global Energy Talent Index (GETI), between ongoing retirements, fewer new candidates entering the market, training shortages, and culture shifts, the Oil and Gas industry has reached a crisis where demand for talent outweighs the supply of trained, qualified candidates.
The O&G industry is facing the largest skill-set gap to date due to increased reliance on technology and fewer training programs.
As key members of your organization's leadership and human resources,
the quality of the candidates you hire directly impacts the operational results of your division.
Money - Time - Quality

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports the cost of a bad hire from 30% of salary (Department of Labor statistics) to $200+K, depending on the level of the position.
Additionally, if your candidate fails to meet the technical requirements of the position or to fit the culture of your customer and internal teams, you could lose faith with your customers and ultimately, profits.
We Protect That.

Companies can take up to four months to fill a position when sourcing, screening, interviewing, selecting, and onboarding a candidate on their own.
Posting a position online can bring countless hundreds of unqualified résumés to your inbox, creating an enormous haystack hiding one single camouflaged needle— and costing you weeks of time just to screen candidates.
We Save That.

Your organization's survival depends on finding candidates who:
1. Have technical comprehension of the technologies, equipment, and services you provide ...
2. Have the capability to communicate those products and services to your customers and your teams to prevent down-time, deliver results, and drive profits.
We Ensure That.
Conventional Recruitment versus XLR8 Industrial
Just like technology ...
Recruiting methods have changed.
Conventional recruitment relies on outdated methods to secure candidates. These methods often obscure the higher-quality, harder-to-find candidates. Take a look:
Cold calling: Great, but very time-consuming. It can take far too long to find an ideal match, leaving the position open for a longer period of time.
Also, cold-call recruiting alone typically has a lower return as many candidates perceive it as telemarketing and are less likely to share their personal information.

Job boards: Produce hundreds of résumés, requiring countless hours of sifting through unqualified candidates and reducing your ROI.
Classified ads: Eliminates everyone who doesn't read a newspaper.
Database Parsing: Accesses candidates who may have been searching for a long time, typically active vs. passive candidates.
Unconventional candidates require unconventional strategies.
THE XLR8 RPM Talent Acquisition System
XLR8 Industrial Recruiting leverages unconventional methods
to reach the hard-to-find reservoirs of candidates.
Our unique RPM Talent Acquisition System brings you high-quality, serious candidates rapidly to make sure your operations don't suffer down-time due to unfilled position vacancies.
We address "up-stream" search challenges in the candidate exploration process through our extensive three-phase RPM system:

Research (Exploration and identification of potential candidates)
Production & Refining (Isolating and presenting "best-fit" candidates)
Management (of both the market and the hiring process)
A 24/7/365 "Infinity" Process
Using ongoing "out-of-the-box" strategies to identify, reach, attract, and retain candidates, we develop and maintain access to a market of highly qualified professionals in various stages of their careers.
By building quality relationships with our candidates, we have developed assets in the marketplace rather than commodities.

We "Surf the Ripple!"
Your ideal candidate is essentially the bull's-eye, like the center of a ripple. But the best candidates are often the hardest to find.
Whereas most recruiters structure their search to contact candidates with specific target skills and experience ...
... it is often the peripheral employees, strategic partners, and peers that know your ideal candidate the best and serve as the richest reservoirs of referrals.
What does that mean for you?
It means that we scour the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th tiers of the relationships your ideal candidate has (the ripples) to find them, giving you a deeper and wider well of candidates to choose from.
The Market and the Hiring Process
As you well know, many moving parts factor into timely and efficient production.
Because you have your hands full managing your own workload, we offer full lifecycle end-to-end process management, from evaluating your needs and consulting with you in determining your best hiring strategy to managing the entire interview, selection, and onboarding process.
And then we maintain communications for a full year of your new hire's employment to make sure everything runs smoothly.

We can also partner with your HR department in a supportive role to empower them in finding and selecting the best-fit candidates.
Once we have identified as many as 200 potential fits, we review, screen, and extract those candidates that rise to the top as best quality ... the "proven reserves."
After screening out the not-right-for-this-position candidates, we do a 360° holistic deep-dive into our candidates' backgrounds, work experience, personality, key motivators, life, and long-term goals.
We fully evaluate each one, assessing them not only for the specific capabilities to perform the position but also for the drive and desire to serve in a supportive role with a genuine desire to help the company succeed.
Let's take a look at how we support you.
Whereas most recruiters take only "the basics," of the job description, we identify much more than just the functions your new hire will perform. It may take a few conversations, but ...
To truly get the best ROI and ensure a long-term placement, we'll also need to identify:
The short and long-term goals for the position
The personality characteristics that will fit best with your teams
Specific technical experience and understanding
Core challenges to be addressed (along with targeted timelines)
The primary pain points experienced by the vacancy or need
When we work with decision-makers, we will cover these and other key issues that will ensure finding the ideal candidate. And when there have been hard-to-fill positions that have remained unfilled for a period of time, we will identify the constraints and advise leadership on resolution strategies, restructuring search parameters to overcome obstacles.
During this phase, we drill down into our existing database of key contacts, identify top talent, and aggressively recruit potential hires and referrals. It is our personal and direct ongoing communication that allows us to nurture the most qualified candidates—both active and passive, providing a ready database of possible hires.
We never screen candidates on skill alone.
We develop very specific checklists of criteria based on our interviews with decision-makers, company research, the parameters of the position, an understanding of the work and team environment, the needs of the managing leadership, and the "personality" of the organization.
Our initial candidate interview alone is approximately two hours, where we cover work history, core contributions, specific technical and hard skills, and identify what value the candidate has added to prior and current companies. Then ...
We delve deeply into the wants, needs, desires, expectations, short and long-term goals of the candidate to ensure the long-term success of their tenure. We do personality assessments and explore their capabilities in these key areas:
1. Authority & Leadership: The ability to take direction from leadership and execute those directives as well as the ability to maintain appropriate authority with junior staff.
2. Teamwork: The ability to partner with others toward a common mission.
3. Management: The ability to effectively manage complex sales and/or operations processes, including multi-functional team coordination, technical acumen, client leadership, strategic partnerships, field services, and base operations communications.
Although we thoroughly recognize that we are working for you (the company), we also have an ethical responsibility to our candidates in delivering truly viable opportunities that will fit their lifestyle, long-term career needs, desires, and expectations. We do NOT waste their time, our time, OR yours!
Once we have identified each truly qualified candidate, we present their résumé along with a short summary of qualifications and any other pertinent information. As always, we stand ready to answer any questions and to schedule phone and face-to-face interviews.
Prior to your interview (and during the presentation phases), we will discuss any key issues about the candidate that will be most relevant for you to address.
Upon selecting your top choice in candidates, we will begin the investigation process, including background and reference checks. You will also receive copies of the results for your permanent records.
As your intermediary, we will manage all phases of the offer presentation and negotiation of salary and benefits (unless you and the candidate both agree to handle that together).
Both in candidate sourcing and in identifying the traits that will deliver a successful hire.
Consider this:
1. Our streamlined XLR8 Recruitment System reduces your time-to-fill period.
2. Our access to hard-to-find candidates provides higher quality, which means higher value as most of our candidates are found through networking and referrals, versus job boards.
3. By providing you with our End-to-End +12-Month Management Policy, we ensure a full year of ongoing candidate engagement, ensuring the highest rate of employee retention to protect your time and money investment.