Why use XLR8 career services?
In a word, experience.
I've been counseling job hunters since 1999 when I began my career as a professional recruiter.
I partnered directly with top management and human resource professionals from many different industries. So, I know what companies look for in their candidates. We make sure these details are embedded throughout your résumé to give you the best advantage against your competition.

In other words ... Your CareerXLR8 résumé will work for you!
I have also successfully coached my clients through the entire maze of job hunting, from company research, strategic marketing, networking, and uncovering the hidden job market to interviewing and negotiating the final offer. I've helped countless professionals at every level of their careers in finding and securing the position of their dreams.
What do our résumé packages include?
A powerful résumé and collateral documents that market you competitively so that you "rise to the top" of the candidate list.
A strategic interview that determines your specific goals and gathers the right information— that is, your most marketable features and metric-driven contributions that speak directly to your capabilities within your target market. (And because I know what information to ask for, you can relax! I will prompt you to give the answers I need, even if you don't know what details to offer).
Basic coaching on the most appropriate strategy for your specific situation and how to leverage your brand successfully.
A summary of the most important details that you often overlook when presenting your qualifications. Years of recruiting have taught me what matters most—and what doesn't matter at all.
A free personal branding tutorial that takes you step-by-step through the process of creating your own branded communication strategy to use in networking and during interviews
You will finish this process possessing an entirely renewed and solid understanding of your skills, strengths, abilities, and contributions.
And most importantly, you will know exactly how to communicate those attributes in a way that helps you "ace the interview."
By following the coaching process during the initial fact-finding interviews, we uncover and isolate the key aspects of your work history that will be most critical in securing opportunities ... from the very first contact to final negotiations and acceptance of the offer!
And ... There's a hidden benefit!
Email your current résumé for a FREE, no-obligation critique to
Liz @ CareerXLR8.com
Or call 405-213-1200