Just a few of our samples ...
These are real samples from actual résumés. They've been scrubbed of all personal information and content has been duplicated across each one to give an idea of the formatting and content structure.

This is an executive résumé.
(First page only).
Notice the title line, sub-titles, and keywords?
The top third of a résumé should provide a synopsis that allows the reader to RAPIDLY identify your career focus, level, and core strengths.
This establishes your "brand."
The language should be action-oriented and industry-specific. Will the hiring manager recognize that you speak their language?
Executive candidates should always provide solid metrics to show their record of driving operational and financial improvements.
If you're a current or aspiring executive, make sure to take baseline numbers when you start a new position. Then continue tracking the positive changes you make.
Another executive sample.
Notice the different style used for the name, title, and keywords.
Also, this example highlights an industry segment, which helps the decision makers to quickly see that this candidate's history qualifies him/her for this level of work.
Color is a great option, but isn't necessary. Some like it. Some don't.
The sky is the limit on design options. Most critical, though, is providing proof points to support your capabilities.
If you don't know your metrics or what numbers to collect, don't worry. I can help you with that.

This is a professional-style format.
The most effective résumés use a profile summary at the top, rather than an "objective." I still see old résumés coming in with objective statements at the top, but they are truly outdated.
The problem is ... these are "me" oriented and not focused on the problems the hiring company is trying to solve.
Instead, we use a summary that directly addresses the problems your target companies face and then pair those with "proof points" in the bullets that show how you have succesfully fixed these same problems in the past.
We use headlines for positions with numerous accountabilities to create a rapid grasp of the candidate's overall responsibilities while detailing specific accomplishments under each category.

Another professional-style format.
There are many different ways to list your name and contact information. Compare this to the rest of the samples to see.
A subtle light background color can help your keywords stand out. Shadowing effects help to make this section "pop."
Border styles vary greatly. You can include a table with borders or without. It's all a matter of preference.
Notice here, key contributions are highlighted separately to call attention to overall achievements and how they benefited the company.
Always strive to demonstrate how you are able to solve the company's key problems. Then tie that to a financial benefit.

Again, a professional-style format.
This is a standard black/white and gray-scale format.
With some professions, the standard format works best. The use of certain colors can be too bold for more conservative industries like legal, financial, medical.
If you're targeting a more dynamic industry (think hospitality, marketing, or a provider of online digital products), color can work in your favor by grabbing attention and demonstrating a touch of personality.
Sometimes, basic research can tell you what will work best.
Look at your top-choice company. What's their "personality?" Research other employees on LinkedIn. What kind of "energy" do they have?
Another professional-style format.
Some positions require region-specific experience. Here, we call attention immediately to that, giving this candidate an added boost.
Notice this summary uses a "bullet" section instead of paragraphs. This is an easy-to-read summary that emphasizes specific and separate points.
A separate section with borders, shading, and shadow effects can make experience with key technologies and customers stand out. This can easily cause a qualified candidate to quickly rise to the top of the stack and get screened IN for an interview.

Here's a student/new graduate résumé.
Students often express frustration about putting a résumé together when they have no solid experience.
But this doesn't have to hold you back.
Notice here, we put education at the top instead of at the end. When a company hires a student, they understand that there will be a learning curve.
Listing key coursework and student projects can be highly effective at demonstrating what you've achieved so far. You can also list internships.
Should a student have a two-page résumé? It depends. If you have enough experience through summer positions, volunteer work, memberships, and internships, then yes! It is a myth that a résumé can only be one page.
Email your current résumé for a FREE, no-obligation critique to:
Liz @ CareerXLR8.com
Or call 405-213-1200